`ALL started from December 28, 2014 of my international call to Mr. LAM in Japan and I told him about my *untrue story and motive to join his global travel internship program anytime in 2015, preferably in February or as earlier as possible. I really decided to leave the university where I got the depression since 2011 and bravely did it by that evening phone call… thereafter my whole life was change`.
I am going to resign from my 3-month service contracted staff in the university end of this month (December of 2014) where I worked for 4 years and already found that no foreseeable advancement in my career development in the coming few years. I really want to join your management internship program by your company for the next 5 years up to 2020 with 3 years interim review without regrets.`, I said firmly and excitedly to Mr. LAM.
*BUT my resignation of 3-month services contracted is not true. The fact is that my contract was not renewed successfully with the university, in other words my services contract was terminated from 1 January of 2015 and I were unemployed. I deeply feel regret of this even though now and would like to take this blog as my sincere apology to my family, my ex-girlfriend and Mr. Lam for not telling them the truth, proven track records of my non-productive work performance in the university and I am immature to balance my personal life, family and business in 2015 & 2016.
NEVERTHELESS & LUCKILY I am bravely enough and successfully start writing this blog not only for my self-reflection and development, but also for every reader like you here with a successful self-discovery and breakthrough, although the progress is hard.
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
Can you lie to God?
“I will go there and get a time to talk with God,” but I intentionally went to sleep. This is a lie not only to my business partners, but also to the God.
Commitment is a commitment, and people will take my words to make their decisions. My lacks of commitment did require 4-5 times extra work and time cost for the whole team to get thing done in plan. The consequence is really far more than I expected. Never lie to God anyone, anymore.
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
Pretending as Victim and a Cup of Free Coffee
In the summer of 2016, I pretended to be a weak guy, sitting in a convenience store and chatting with a tourist next to me, telling him how tough of my life, etc., then he bought me a free coffee to cheer me up. Seems like OK.
However, I acted as victim to your friends and family to try to get their sympathy and financial support last year and eventually made a big mistake. I misled my friends and family to assume that I were a childish needed to be protect and support unconditionally.
Yes, I have successfully cheated for sympathy and financial support from your friends and family during last year, but eventually I lost my reputations and trust among the people around me.
The more I act and pretend, the more I put the bug and liabilities to others besides me. Eventually I have to spend more than ten times of effort to rebuild the trust and remedy the relationship with all the involved parties including my family, friends, business partners and customers. This is really a big regret and mistake in my life.
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
Really able to do it in two months?
January of 2015, an unforgettable January in my life! This is the very first time I was involved in a real financial year-end of the companies. I did learn from books in my secondary school and the university, but the reality is totally different (full of huge numbers of cheque, invoices and receipts). Under the guide from Mr. Lam, I sorted all the documents one-by-one until things get done in 2 weeks.
“I can do these in two months.” Afterward I told Mr. Lam boldly and sadly even after more than a year until now, I am still unable to manage and handle this which caused lot of time cost and loss of business opportunities to my partners.
This is just only one example of my over-statement in the past 2 years since 2015. My repeated over-statement has actually and seriously affected my work, reputation, trustworthy towards my customers and the company. I have to stop over-statement from now on!
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
Efficiency versus Childish personal interest
For those who knew me for years in the university, I was addicted to stationeries, computer hardware and tools. Once I said “I use only fountain pen.” Spending unreasonable amount of money on special edition pens, and unreasonable amount of time to research every details of different types of ink. “Am I writing something for myself or for others?”
When you own the tools, the tools will help you to complete the task. When the tools own you, you spend tons of hours to enjoy the process instead of producing the outcome. Sadly, I as an addict, the tools own me not only in this case, but also a barrier to my business development since 2015.
What is good for fountain pens? As an interest and hobby, I feel a relief of stress through cleaning, maintaining and practicing calligraphy for a day of after work. But when it comes to my work efficiency and reality, it showed how foolish I am. There should be a lot of ways for my stress release instead of sacrifice my work efficiency and business.
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
Revitalizing my hope and childhood interest on multimedia...
The previous year was a life changing and inspiring journey in facing of my early mid-life crisis. My life development has been a boring and narrow-minded one, studying for a more advanced academic degree but without a purpose in mind. Also, I am an introvert person who like to hide myself from the community, and as a result, unable to communicate and work well with other people. With Mr. LAM`s encouragement in the previous year, I am able to pick up my self-confidence once again, to think differently, be more creative, and revitalizing my hope and childhood interest on multimedia as my next career in my new life.
Thank you for all efforts! Mr. LAM, you have changed my world!
PhD in Information Systems
Career Team 2015-2016
One day, my dream won’t be a dream…
Mr. Lam organized a great program for us. To help us to learn more about Japanese culture, language. He prepared so much for us, so Thank You.
May be I am too young that I can’t understand meaning of every words Mr. Lam said, or I will forget that later. This class considers my dream and target.
One day, my dream won’t be a dream, it will be a truth.
At last, thank you for Mr. Lam’s preparing and teaching. I learn so much in this class.
LAI Yuet Yiu
Student of High School, Hong Kong
Cross-Border Talent Development, Japan
Positive values and unforgettable experiences…
One of the best trips of my life. Arigatoo for everything you did for us as you sacrificed a lot of your precious time for small potatoes like us. But, I hope we exchanged a lot of positive values and unforgettable experiences. Maybe we will have more trips like this, if you have time to organize. Till then, take care and send chocolates on 14th March ;)
Maruful ISHAM
Student of Accountancy, the CityU
Cross-Border Corporate Advisory, Japan
I am grateful to you for guiding me in the ENTREPRENEURSHIP in SEMESTER A, 2014-2015. Your life story is very inspiring and I will remember your guidelines for being a leader and entrepreneur. The Japan trip was AMAZING! This is the first time I got an opportunity to visit this inspiring place. I will never forget your advice – NEVER GIVE UP!
And you are welcome to come to INDIA!
Student of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the CityU
Cross-Border Corporate Advisory, Japan
Everything in this trip is a process of learning…
Thank you for your hospitality, considerate schedule, motivating self-story and inspiring workshops! I really enjoy this trip! I love that Japanese treats good/bad things as a lesson; everything in this trip is a process of learning – well-balance of oneself, negotiation, detail-minded, good attitude, being observant and unity. Last but not least, having fun!
Charmaine CHAN
Student of English, the CityU
Cross-Border Corporate Advisory, Japan
Participation in the entrepreneurship program
The 3rd entrepreneurship program was a unique opportunity to experience what a good entrepreneur needs to become successful. I had the possibility to think about my own business idea and how to start from scratch. Setting up my business plan helped me to get a more specific idea of my real focus and business and narrow it down rather than broaden it. The more progress I made, the more trust I gained in my idea and now I really think it can work out, and think of establishing the business in reality.
It was very helpful that the Instructors offered different kind of information. On the one hand, we received hands-on experience and insights from a successful entrepreneur. Due to his journey I also got insights into different aspects of life in Japan. Together we analyzed why businesses act how they act, looked at situations from different angles and perspectives, as well as, discovered future trends of business, such as the merger of a telecommunication company and a coffee shop. On the other hand we also learned about crucial success factors, as well as, ways how to present our business idea or make our customers feel more involved…
For me, as an exchange student, I was allowed to get to know a lot of new people with the same interest but a different background and culture, which made the course even more interesting. Besides the Hong Kong view I also got the chance to learn more about the Japanese market, as well as, the Asian markets in general.
I definitely would have never been able to achieve the same knowledge with same course in my home country. I am very grateful that I got the chance to take part in this program. It provided me with a lot of valuable information and new insights. It will definitely benefit me in future and possibly even helped me open my first very own business.
Peter Feistmantl
Exchange Student from Austria
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2013-2014
The CityU
Valuable chance to know more about entrepreneurship…
I would like to thank you to kindly give me this valuable chance to know more about entrepreneurship. Since I am from the Creative Media Department, thus I have no idea for business, yet, I would like to promote my design products. Within this course, I have learnt so much, not only for the professional knowledge, but also the real case and the past experience in the industry. This inspires me and would continuously have a effect on my future career.
So, THANK YOU! All the classmates and you are just awesome!
Charlie Wong
Student of Creative Media
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2013-2014
The CityU
Bring us to travel Japan by Skype…
I am really happy be a member of Entrepreneurship Program this year and I have learnt a lot from Lam Sir too. Although I m a marketing student, many basic concept I have already learnt, I also feel very interested while I am attending lesson.
Through the webcam meeting, I know Lam Sir you are very busy, but you still use nearly 1 hour to chat with us. I really appreciate your efforts and you treat us well too. We have learnt brand equity, how to write a business plan and understand what is the future market is. It is beneficial for me to understand the real market now.
Also, I am very impressive on the last lesson because you bring us to travel Japan by Skype. I have never been Japan before, but I like it very much. With your well explanation detail about Japan culture, I really learn a lot and it can broaden my horizons too.
Once again, congratulation to Lam Sir your movie will be displayed in Japan in the coming days. I am interested in your film too, since last time I watched the trailer, I thought this film is warm and meaningful. I hope I can watch it in Hong Kong later.
Thanks for Lam Sir again. I hope I can learn more in the Entrepreneurship Program in the coming semester.
The weather is cold in Japan and Hong Kong now. Take care!
Thank you so much. I am looking forward to meeting you guys again, especially real Lam Sir in Hong Kong. ^^ ありがとう^_^ Lam Sir
Cherry Wong
Student of Marketing
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2013-2014
The CityU
未见林sir之前,这一直只是深夜睡前一闪而过的念头。但是现在,我很感谢林s ir,因为他让我发现,创业这件事不是遥不可及,也不再只是一句说话。
二月以来,林 sir 教给我很多东西,比如如何发现身边的商机,怎么样由一个创业家的角度去思考问题,商业品牌的创立故事以及许多他自己的人生经验,让我受益匪浅。更多的是,他鼓励我,帮助我,将我的创业想法一点点扩展,让它变得更加具体,更具有可实践性和可操作性。好像看着一个 BB 仔,一路一路成长。每一次上课都是一个令人进步的过程,每一次 presentation 的记录,每一次 idea 的扩展,都见证着我们想法的成熟。我很享受这种不断成长的感觉。
以前我一直很想问为什么林 sir 要做这种义务的工作,现在我慢慢的明白,在帮助别人的同时,自己也会收获良多。从林 sir 身上我又学到一件事,就是由帮助别人为出发点,总会有意想不到收获。
很开心可以被选中参加这个 entrepreneurship program, 认识了其他有创业梦想的朋友。在这个课堂上,我们互相帮助,互给建议,成为了朋友。我们会互相鼓励,在创业的这条路上,越走越远。
希望这个 program 能够一直继续下去,让更多有创业梦想的人得到帮助。如果有需要,我很愿意和别人分享这段有意义的经历:)
YAN Nan, Summer
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2012
The CityU
但是 係一個機緣巧合的機會中,小弟有幸成為Lam sir 的學生,改變了我很多做生意的想法,Lam sir 也帶我們到大場面見識見識,實在是令我們大開眼界,獲益良多 :)
Lam Sir 是一位十分成功的企業家,對於一班有志創業的年輕人來說,Lam sir 在各方面所提供的知識和經驗,對我們來說是十分珍貴的,很感激Lam sir 對我們的耐心教導。
不得不提的是,Lam sir 對教學的熱誠和對後輩的照顧 實在令我十分感動。試想想 Lam Sir 平日管理完公司煩鎖的事務後,晚上也要跑到大學教導我們,真的十分辛勞,為的竟不是自已,而是一群學生們。
這令我更加相信 Lam Sir 常提到的 "Passion In Life",不是空口說白話的,更令我明白到人生中除了賺錢,賺錢和賺錢外…我們還有很多有意義的事情可做,將來做企業也要有良心,做企業先要照顧客人所需,不要唯利是圖,就算錢賺不多,也賺了個企業良心 :)
Lam sir 真的啟發了我們很多,提供了很多創意的點子,令我們創業的信心大增 :)
最後,要 再次 再次 感謝 Lam sir 悉心的教導 :D
Student of Computer Science
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2012
The CityU
I really appreciate what this program gives me ...
At first, I was interviewed by Mr. Lam who was so harsh and asked many difficult questions which make me be put in dilemma. I was sad and thought that I must not be picked.
Luckily, I am chosen. Mr. Lam, who is actually a so nice person, just pretended to be harsh to test my attitude and emotion which are the keys to being a remarkable entrepreneur. I extremely admire him after I knew him on this.
I am a person who is not really confident to speak up publicly; however we always do this in class. I am therefore trained to be more confident under the class designed by Mr. Lam. He really puts us in real practice for being an entrepreneur. This well-designed business coaching helps me have a great improvement in thinking, confidence and above all the vision to notice current affairs which actually partly relate to our core business.
This course is worth taking and is a golden chance once in million. Once more time, I'd like to thank Mr. Lam again who gave us a great training for us. Mr. Lam is a businessman full of passion and kindhearted notion.
Last but not least, wishing Mr. Lam for every luck. Thank you so much!!!!
Student of Marketing
Student of Entrepreneurship Program 2012
The CityU
參加了 Entrepreneurship Program 我的......
在這短短數個月的課程差不多快要結束了, 回想起當初看到電郵時戰戰兢兢的心情, 心裡十五十六想著該報還是不報這個 Entrepreneurship Program 呢, 幸虧最後報了。
在這課程當中我學到的是完全在書本及課堂中不會教的, 對於我們幾個柴娃娃卻有心創業的少年來說確實獲益不少。
香港城巿大學李曉盈 ( Vivian )
今年是我第三年參與 FILMART 的工作…
感謝 Man 在這幾年教導,令到一個黃毛小子,不斷地成長。
Iverson Choi, 型人 Career Team 2009
見到公司上上下下每一個工作伙伴都好清楚自己崗位,令到短短四日展覽大家都合作得十分順利。而我自己更學識到要好好保護公司知識產權,在短時間內成功了解客人的要求及目的,做出適當的應對,一方面能夠幫到公司, 同時也可以保障公司的利益。
Zero, Career Team 2010
我是來自中國成都的交換生,只在香港城市大學裡學習一個學期,但就是這個學期,我幸運地加入了 "Commercial Digital Photography & Online Contents Creation for Product Advertising" 課程。在這裡,認識了好多志同道合熱愛攝影的朋友,認識了親切耐心的Lam Sir。所以我相信,我們的相遇是緣分,我真心感謝,能在香港遇見你們。
我記得有一次上課,我問 Lam Sir 他蓬勃的創意是源自哪裡,他很耐心地給我們講了很多,還有很多他自己的故事,這也讓我真正開始關注于怎樣開發自己的創意。
我會永遠記得 Lam Sir 教給我們的專業知識 (我有做筆記哦!^ ^) 及我們的每一次任務與作業,很多的很多,不是我在國內可以接觸到的。
係聖誕節期間,阿 man 比左個機會我們一同舉行左個小型音樂會同聖誕派對,因為依個音樂會大家都盡力做到最好,大家都因為這次合作更加認識對方,而我就更加清楚自己,知道經驗係要累積返㴝,沒有這次音樂會的機會,自己都唔會有今次既進步及改善,多謝阿 man 不斷整造機會比我們學習,接受新嘗試新挑戰,改變自己!
Zero, Career Team 2010
今年會係我第三年係 FILMART 幫手啦,時間真係過得好快,同丫Man 一齊工作已經有2年多,2年時間雖然唔係好長,但係一齊經歷既事,就好多!無論係工作上所學到既嘢,人生所得到既知識、道理,都比我過去果3年還要多。加上依加呢個世代,單單靠一個人係唔得,要有一team人先得,只係呢短短數月,更令我深深體會到。多謝丫Man 一直黎既教導,希望有一天我可以係台上多謝佢!
Iverson Choi, 型人 Career Team 2009
대학 졸업 후 나아갈 길을 찾지 못하고…
방황하고 있던 시기에 람선생님은 나에게 한 줄기 빛을 주었으며, 나만의 재능을 발견하게하고, 모든 일에 자신감을 찾게 해 주었다. 세계는 크고 할 일은 많다는 것을 알게 해주었고, 끊임없이 나에게 아름다운 미래를 찾아 용감하게 나아가도록 격려해 주었다.
실패가 두렵다면 아무 것도 할수가 없다. 도전 없이 이루어지는 것이 어디 있겠는가? 무슨 일이든 기회가 있으면 도전하는 자세와 어려움을 만나면 포기와 좌절보다는 해결할 방법을 생각하는 마음가짐은 앞으로의 내 사회생활에 꼭 필요한 것이었다.
비록 홍콩에서 람선생님과 함께한 시간은 길지 않지만, 그를 만난 것은 나의 행운이며 내 마음 속에 영원히 남을 것이다.
在大學畢業以後, 我找不到自己的方向…
在漂泊的日子裡林老師給了我一道曙光, 讓我發現了我自己的才能, 還有讓我找到了我也能做事情的自信感。感受到世界原來是很大, 要做的事情原來是很多。林老師還不斷鼓勵我, 使我勇敢地去追尋美好的未來 。
如果怕失敗的話什麼都做不成, 不去挑戰那會有成果? 不管什麼事只要有機會就要去努力, 遇到困難的時候先不要放棄或挫折, 反而先來個解決事情的決心, 這對自己以後的社會生活更為需要的。
雖然我在香港跟林老師學習的時間不是很長, 但是能夠認識他是我的幸運, 在我心裡永遠會記得他的。
不知不覺 . 一年了
還記得第一次被邀請參加成就導向時...完完全全是因為朋友...加上當時自己多少也會相信學到些 『人生道理』...所以就一股衝勁的去了...
由開始參與 『成就』到現在...回想起來...仍有點覺得不太真實...因為一直以來阿 MAN 好像是個能把一些不可能的事都變成可能的人...好像有時候進度不如大家所想...或遇到更差的結果...最後阿 MAN 都能一一解決...這不單止在工作方面...還有在我的做人處事方面... MAN 真的是位良師益友...永遠也能給我提供很寶貴的意見...讓我不斷地進步...
這一年…經歷過不同的事情…無論家庭的壓力, 自己的工作, 都令自己曾經有想過放棄的念頭, 但每次再深思熟慮後, 都會決定繼續學習, 因為在這裡我找到大家一起合力做事出來的滿足感, 我會繼續珍惜這種感覺, 珍惜這種學習的機會, 珍惜阿MAN給予自己的工作…=)
更開心的是每次跟阿 MAN 交談中都能令自己的視野更廣...不單止從物質上的得着...
謝謝 MYLAMSTUDIO ...!!:)
Agnes WU, Career Team 2010
自小的時候已經時常發明星夢,想當藝人或者歌星 ^ ^
現在的我,已經成長了很多,思想也成熟了許多,更加愛上了比賽或表演,因為每一次的比賽或表演,都豐富了自己不少的經驗,更加認識了很多志同道合的朋友,亦因其中一次參加了一個大型歌唱比賽,能夠進身廿強,從而令我下定決心去做這件事,既然人們認定了自己的實力,也就像打了強心針一樣,我也很應該更加努力做好這件事,亦因這個比賽改變了很多的事情,而現時的目標是 ~ 我要當上一個成功的藝能人 ~…
…因拍攝工作的關係,輾轉之間認識了YAN,更加在機緣巧合之下,來到了 MYLAMSTUDIO 認識了我們的林老師。初時真的不知道是什麼一回事,= . = 不管怎樣,聽聽也無防,雖然我上課堂的日子並不多,大約是三四個月了,但學到的比我想像的還要多…學習到更多文字以外的寶貴知識或一些想法,從而令我們得到更多的知識和正能量…在這過程中,我們同學和老師的距離都拉近了,因為大家都很用心去聆聽用心去幫助別人,我們也漸漸變得不陌生,感覺上也有點像親人了。
(其實我也沒想過生日林老師會幫我慶祝,還準備了蛋糕 ^ ^ 真的很感謝您唷)…
...我們除了課堂之外,老師也特別安排了一些創作的機會給我們,現時也參與廣告制作中,其實籍此機會真的很感謝林老師給了這個寶貴機會給我們這些 『外行人』 去做,正因如此我們會更加努力去做好這件事情。
…我亦提及過自己真的很喜歡這一份工作,而林老師更加教懂了我們,一份工作您喜歡與否都影響了您的投入程度,現時的年輕人大多會以金錢去衡量自己去做的工作,那當然現今社會不能缺少金錢,但大家又何曾想想自己的夢想呢? 俗語有云『針無兩頭利』有了金錢但您內心真的開心嗎真的充實嗎?
PS : 我覺得現在盡力就夠了,,, 免得將來老了才後悔~!!!
在成就導向學懂了很多不同的東西, 由之前到現在, 自己覺得自己成熟了, 成長很多。這些都是呀 MAN 給予我很多的機會, 真的很感激他! 夢想? 很少人可以在自己的工作中找到夢想, 在這裡就可以。
我將來想做一個好特別的舞台劇, 我覺得在這裡可以實踐我的夢想。
Iverson Choi, 型人 Career Team 2009
已經識左阿 MAN 都有差唔多一年既時間, 係成就導向入面, 阿 MAN 令我知道現在我們年青人究竟身處係一個什麼地方, 社會環境同社會要求都已經跟以前完全不同了, 應該要做足一定的準備, 阿 MAN 不斷給予一些機會令我們比其他人更快清楚自己的長處, 能夠在未來的社會入面比其他人跑得更快一步。
與阿 MAN 一起工作, 工作期間他是一個對每件事都好認真好嚴謹的人, 自自然然自己都會對自己要求比之前更高, 亦知道每一分每一秒過去了就過去了, 要好好運用自己所有的時間, 給自己做更多想做的事情。
為我這三年作一個小結。經朋友偶然介紹下認識了阿 man。自從在我畢業海外回歸以後,一直也找不到我理想的工作。心裡總有種我在大學選錯科入不了行的感覺。其後 man 欣賞我對行業的熱誠和憧憬,讓我跟隨他工作。當時,他是唯一個看見我的潛能,又給我機會嘗試的人。直到現在也很感謝他,給我這樣多的機會接觸不同的人和事,參與公司不同的創作,大大小小的講座、展覽、課程、演唱會、活動,擴展我的眼光和事業。
把夢想慢慢演變成自己的工作比我想像中困難得多。過程的辛酸雖然不足為外人道,經歷卻一點一滴在添加,漸漸地變得更成熟。在很多人眼中,我的堅持是很任性的。可是在不同的工作崗位,不同性質的工作之中,我更加認識自己。縱然我工作偶有錯失,man 仍然給了很多機會讓我做喜歡做的事,發展自己的潛能,發現自己更多的可能性。他是我見過最堅忍最有魄力的人,即使病得快要倒下來也要先把工作做好。也許他對自己還有一起工作的人有極高的要求,但一切也源於他對他工作的熱愛、認真和執著。他總是可以善用身邊的資源,與不同人合作、交流,提高工作質量使其順利完成。他是我最敬佩的人,也是最佳的學習榜樣。
Winnie Y
記得第一次上成就導向的時間 , 已經是09年。
還記得第一次上 MYLAMSTUDIO 是朋友叫我的 , 當時我都不知道這是什麼 ? 當時心態 ? 聽人講 STORY !
但經過一次又一次後 , 慢慢自己的想法 , 做人的方法開始有所改變 ! 當時我記得 , 我想學的是只想改變自己以前不好的想法 , 並未想過將來的路怎樣走。而我更沒想到 , 我自己會去學攝影 , 並且變了我的職業。
在 丫MAN 一直的教導過程中 , 學會懂得珍惜 , 把握機會 , 尊重別人等道理。
時間飛逝 , 在上年FILMART 之後 , 我做了一個重要的決定 , 就是放棄一份穩定的職位 , 全職投入創意行業的工作 , 跟隨 丫MAN 去工作 , 其實這份工作 , 我剛剛升了職 , 為什麼我會選擇轉行 , 因為我想完成自己一個夢想 , 想我的工作日後都是自己的 profile , 所以我做了這個決定。
我知道我做了這個決定之後對自己一定有很大的影響。不過我現在所做的 , 一定會有人欣賞 , 有人支持… 就算遇到任何困難 , 我都會堅持下去。為了自己的夢想、執著和尋找人生。
多謝 丫MAN 的意見、支持、給我機會、教導。
Iverson Choi, 型人 Career Team 2009
經過三個月的學習,開始找到一個照顧到我未來生活及跟攝影有關的行業 – 廣告制作
這三個月來,在 MYLAMSTUDIO 學習攝影,可說是事半功倍,令我更了解相機的功能和操作,如何表達自己所想的方法,從不同的實習,豐富了我的見識 。
Jonathan Ng, 17th “Teen才再現” 計劃畢業生
現在覺得當時的確把握了一個很好的機會。在那裡我有很多的得著,經驗,大開眼界,阿 MAN 其中一句經常說的話就是”機會轉眼即逝”,的確機會是寶貴的,幸好在過去的兩個月內,我可以跟隨他到不同地方實習,學習,真是獲益良多。而現在,我已經擁有自己的工作,同時我也知道自己的方向 ; 機會足以改變人生。
Phillip Li, Assistant Building Surveyor
2010 Hong Kong International FILMART 是一個盛大既日子 , 而我可以在 Man 的 exhibition booth 幫手...
在22-25/3短短四日,我真是大開眼界! 這裏所學到的,我敢說如還在求學的學 生,一定體會不到!
參與完這次活動,更令我下定決心在這行業打滾; 因它使我更了解自己和不足, 讓我可以清晰地透過練習和訓練,把它們克服過來!
多謝 Man 所舉辦的成就訓練讓我認識他; 他是個好朋友和導師,也是我的啟蒙老師! 是因為他,令我發現自己對攝影的興趣和對人生的展望!
Iverson Choi, 型人 Career Team 2009
回想零六年,一個偶然的機會,在一個非牟利機構裡報讀了一個課程,為期七個多月. . .
導師 Man Sir 為這課程命名 "悅影人生",他希望我們透過攝影把生命活得更精彩更豐盛 …用生命影響生命,並傳送給每一個人,散播種子每一角落 …
Man Sir 鼓勵我們不要因身體上的殘疾不便而限制自己,反而盡量作不同角度的嘗試,影出自己走過的路,一張相片一個故事,也代表著自己人生每一個不同階段 . . .
最難得認識一班志趣相投的學員,從互不相識至參加第七屆國際展能節攝影比賽、悅影人生攝影展…大家齊心、團結、投入、認真、互補不足、互相配合、互相照應…凝聚力將我們聯繫一起,發揮團隊精神,已至大家友情維繫至今. . . 這些都是在這裡學到的,令我獲益不淺。
Cynthia Wong, U.S.
由九月參加 MYLAMSTUDIO 的 biweekly mentoring program
從 workshop 中,我明白到不同的性格,不同的行為模式都是影響著我們所做的決定 ; 而且當中如果要成功的話,除了需要一個機會外,還需要看自己如何把握這個機會和決心,以投資為例,猶豫不決足夠令你損失。
Tsz Kin, High Diploma in Urban Review
Building Inspection & Maintenance
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
在 MYLAMSTUDIO 的 Summer Project 中,我認識到「把握時機」的重要性
Summer Project 過程中也令我學會了正面思考。面對公司的要求與嚴緊,在苦的背後,慢慢發現自己更能體諒別人和有耐性,EQ 也不知不覺地訓練起來;忙碌趕急的工作背後,卻發現自己比別人累積了更多的經歷……深深明白到「雖然有得必有失,但有失亦別有得」的道理,人生不只在乎「失」便能清楚看見「得」的部分,也發現自己其實是個幸福的人。
Ms. Cheung Man Ki
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital Media Broadcasting
School of Creative Media
The CityU
9. 2009